MINRRAY KBD2000 camera controller

MINRRAY KBD2000 camera controller
Product code: KBD2000

Keyboard with joystick for contolling PTZ camera

Ports RJ45, RS422, RS232
Communication BPS 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 115200
Joystick 4D(up, down, left, right, zoom, lock)
Max control distance 1200m
More information

KBD2000 is a network (IP Based) PTZ camera controller. It is fully compatible with many PTZ camera coding protocols, supporting ONVIF, VISCA, Serial port VISCA, PELCO-D/P protocols and etc. This compact controller features a high-quality joystick that allows variable speed control, as well as fast camera switching, quick-set camera parameters.


  • ONVIF, VISCA, Serial port VISCA, PELCO-D/P protocols.
  • RJ45, RS422, RS232 control interfaces; Controls up to 255 cameras.
  • Unique control code learning function allows customers to modify the control code instructions
  • Any device on the RS485 bus can be individually configured with different protocols and baud rates.
  • The Ethernet port supports POE, power supply and control can be set up with a single network cable.
  • Maximum communication distance: 1200m (0.5mm Twisted-Pair Cable)